عبدالله بن سلطان السبيعي

استشاري وبروفيسور الطب النفسي

المؤهلات العلمية
  1. بكالوريوس طب وجراحة من جامعة الملك عبد العزيز بجدة، 1982 بتقدير جيد جداً.

  2. زمالة الكلية الملكية للأطباء والجراحين بكندا (تخصص الطب النفسي)، عام 1989.  

أعمال وإسهامات مهنية
  1. عضو مؤسس للزمالة العربية في الطب النفسي، دمشق، الجمهورية العربية  السورية 1993

  2. مؤسس ورئيس المجلس العلمي للزمالة السعودية في الطب النفسي بالهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية  1996-2002

  3. عضو مؤسس للجمعية السعودية للطب النفسي 2004-2006

  4. مؤسس كرسي سابك لأبحاث وتطبيقات الصحة النفسية بكلية الطب، جامعة الملك سعود (والمشرف عليه) 2008-2013

  5.  عضو اللجنة التأسيسية لكلية الطب ، جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود الإسلامية ، 2008

  6. باحث رئيس في المسح الوطني “الصحة وضغوط الحياة” 2008-تاريخه

  7. استشاري الطب النفسي في مركز إدراك للإستشارات الطبية، الرياض 2015-تاريخه

البحوث العلمية المنشورة
  1. AL-SABAIE, A Psychiatry in Saudi Arabia: Cultural Perspectives. Transcultural Psychiatry Research Review 26, 245-262. 1989.

  2. AL-SABAIE, A . Psychiatry in Saudi Arabia: An overview. British Journal of Psychiatry Bulletin – 14,298-300. 1990.

  3. FATHIL ALEEM ABDULRAHIM, ABDULLAH AL-SABAIE, ABDUL RAZAQ AL-HAMAD, ELIJAH BAMGBOYE. The Seasonality of Mania: Preliminary findings, Annals of Saudi Medicine, 12:472-475. 1992.

  4. ABDULLAH SULTAN AL-SABAIE, FATHEL-ALLEM ABDUL-RAHIM, GBOLAHAN A. ONI, RABIE ANWAR HAWARI. The use of sedative-hypnotic drugs in a university hospital in Saudi Arabia, Annals of Saudi Medicine, 14:379-382. 1994.

  5.  ABDULLAH S. AL-SABAIE, FATHEL-ALLEM ABDUL-RAHIM, ABBDUL-RAZZAK AL-HAMAD. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Annals of Saudi Medicine, 12:558-561. 1992.

  6. RAHIM, FMA. AL SABAIE, A.  Puerperal Psychosis in a Teaching Hospital in Saudi Arabia: Clinical Profile and cross-cultural comparison, Acta Psychiatrica Sacandinavia, 84:508-511. 1991.

  7. ABDULLAH S. AL-SUBAIE, SAMIAH ABDULLAH. Anorexia Nervosa: A Saudi Version. A case report. Saudi Medical Journal, 15:165-168. 1994.

  8. SULAIMAN A. AL- SHAMMARI, TAWFIK A. KHOJA and ABDULLAH S.  AL-SUBAIE. Anxiety and Depression Among Primary Care Patients in Riyadh. International Journal of Mental Health, 22:53-64. 1994.

  9. RAWLIN CHINNIAN R., LARRY R., TAYLOR, ABDULLAH AL-SUBAIE, SUGUMAR A., ABDUL AZIZ AL–JUMAIH. A controlled Study of Personality Patterns in Alcohol and Heroin Abusers in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Psychoactive drugs, 26:85-88, 1994.

  10. ABDULLAH S. AL-SUBAIE. Traditional Healing Experiences in Patients Attending a University Outpatient Clinic.  Arab Journal of Psychiatry, 5:83-91, 1994.

  11. SULAIMAN A. AL-SHAMMARI, TAWFIK A.KHOJAH, ABDULLAH S AL-SUBAIE. Trans-cultural Attitude Towards Being Overweight in Patients Attending Health Centers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Family Practice Research Journal, 14:149-156. 1994.

  12. AL-SUBAIE A, AL-HAAJJAJ M. Awareness and Knowledge of Saudi University Students a bout Drug Dependence. Saudi Medical Journal, 16: 326-329. 1995.

  13. Al-HAMAD A. AL-SUBAIE A, AL-ZEER A. Psychogenic Vocal Cord Dysfunction Stimulating Bronchial Asthma. European Respiratory Journal, 8: 1978-1981. 1995.

  14. AL-SUBAIE A. & DI NICOLA VF. Psychosocial Adaptation of Saudi Students and Sponsor in Canada. Arab Journal of Psychiatry: 6: 186-199. 1995.

  15. ABDUL-RAHIM F AL-HAMMED A, CHALABY K, AL-SUBAIE A. A survey of a Child Psychiatry clinic a Teaching Hospital in Saudi Arabia: Clinical Profile and Cross-cultural Comparison. Saudi Medical Journal , 17:36-41. 1996.

  16. AL-SHAMMARI S, KHOJA T, AL-SUBAIE A. Job Satisfaction and Occupational Stress among Primary Health Care Center Doctors.  International Journal of Mental Health, 24: 85-95. 1995.

  17. AL-SUBAIE A, AL-SHAMMARI S, BAMGBOYE E, AL-SABHAN K, AL-SHEHRI S, BANNAH A. Validity of the Arabic Version of the Eating Attitude Test.  International Journal of Eating Disorders, 20: 321-324. 1996.

  18. AL-SUBAIE A, BAMGBOYE E, AL-SHAMMARI S, AL-SABHAN K, AL-SHEHRI S, BANNAH A. Validity of the Arabic Version of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI). British Journal of Psychiatry ,168: 636-640. 1996.

  19. AL-SUBAIE A, MARWAH MK, HAWARI R, ABDUL-RAHIM F. Psychiatric Emergencies at King Khalid University Hospital.  International Journal of Mental Health, 25:59-68. 1997.

  20. AL-FARIS E, AL-SUBAIE A, KHOJA T, AL-ANSARI L, ABDUL-RAHIM F, AL-HAMDAN N, AL-MAZION Y, ABDUL-MUHSIN H AND AL-KHAWSHI. Training Primary Health Care Physician in Saudi Arabia to recognize Psychotic illness. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 96: 439-444. 1997.

  21. AL-SUBAIE A. Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) in Arabic: Psychometric Features and Normative Data. Saudi Medical Journal, 19:769-775. 1998.

  22. AL-SUBAIE A, KAMAL M, AL-MALIK T. The Arabic Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ). As a Psychiatric Screening Instrument in Medical Patients. Annuals of Saudi Medicine, 18:308-310. 1998.

  23. AL-SUBAIE A.  Smoking and its Relationship to Depression and Anxiety Among Saudi University Students.   International Journal of Mental Health, 27:86-95. 1998.

  24. AL-SUBAIE A.  Nicotine Dependence and its Relationship to Anxiety Depressive Symptoms Among Saudi University Students.  The Arab Journal of Psychiatry, 10:110-119. 1999.

  25. AL-SHAMMARI S. & AL-SUBAIE A.  Prevalence an Correlates of Depression Among Saudi Elderly.  International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 14:739-747. 1999.

  26. AL-SUBAIE A.  Some Correlates of Dieting Behavior in Saudi Schoolgirls.  International Journal of Eating Disorders, 28:242-246. 2000.

  27. AL-SUBAIE A.  Psychosocial Correlates of Obesity Among Saudi Schoolgirls.  The Arab Journal of Psychiatry, 11: 361-368. 2000.

  28. AL-SBUBAIE A & AL-HAMAD A.  Psychiatry in Saudi Arabia.  In Al-Jonun, mental Illness in the Islamic World (Editor, Al-Issa, Ihsan), International Universities Press, Inc.  Madison, Connecticut, U.S.A. 2000.

  29. AL-ISSA I. & AL-SUBAIE A.  Native Healing in Arab Islamic Societies.  In Handbook of Culture, Therapy and Healing (Eds. Gielen U, Fish J, Draguns J.), Lawrence Erlbaum  Associates, Inc.Mahwa, New Jersy, U.S.A. 2004.

  30. RAVINDRAN A, AL-SUBAIE A & ABRAHAM G.  Quetiapine: novel uses in the treatment of depressive and anxiety disorders.  Expert Opinion.  Investig. Drugs: 19 (10) 1-18. 2010.

  31. 1SHAHAB M, AL-TUWAIJRI F, BILAL L, HYDER S, AL-HABEEB A, AL-SUBAIE A, MNEIMNEH Z, PENNELL B-H, SAMPSON, KESSLER R, and ALTWAIJRI Y.  The Saudi National Mental Health Survey: Methodological and Logistical challenges from the Pilot Study. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 26(3): doi:10.1002/ mpr.1565. 2017.

  32. HYDER S, BILAL L, AKKAD L, LIN Y-C, AL‑HABEEB A, AL‑SUBAIE A, SHAHAB M, BINMUAMMAR A, AL‐TUWAIJR F, KATTAN N AND ALTWAIJRI Y.  Evidence‑based guideline implementation of quality assurance and quality control procedures in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey.   Int J Ment Health Syst, 11:60.  DOI 10.1186/s13033-017-0164-0. 2017.

  33. ARADATI, M., BILAL,L., NASEEM, M.T., HYDER, S., AL‐  HABEEB A.,  ALSUBAIE,  A., SHAHAB, M., SOHAIL, B., BAIG, M., BINMUAMMAR, A., & ALTWAIJRI, Y. Using knowledge management tools in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey helpdesk: pre and post study. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 13:33. DOI: 10.1186/s13033-019-0288-5. 2019.

  34. SHAHAB M,  AL‐TUWAIJRI F, KATTAN N, BILAL L, HYDER S, MNEIMNEH Z, LIN Y-C, AL‑HABEEB A, AL‑SUBAIE A, BINMUAMMAR A, AND ALTWAIJRI Y. Implementing the TRAPD model for the Saudi adaptation of the World Mental Health Composite International Diagnostic Interview 3 (case study).  Int J Ment Health Syst 13:12.   doi.org/10.1186/s13033-019-0267-x. 2019.

  35. ALTWAIJRI, Y., AL-HABEEB, A., BILAL, L., SHAHAB, M., PENNELL, B., MNEIMNEH, Z., BINMUAMMAR, A., BAIG, M., NASEEM, M. T., HYDER, S., & AL-SUBAIE, A. S.  The Saudi National Mental Health Survey: Survey Instrument and Field procedures.  International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.  https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1830. 2020.

  36. ALSUBAIE A, ALTWAIJRI Y.  Overview of The Saudi National Mental Health Survey (SNMHS).  International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.  https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1835. 2020.

  37. ALSUBAIE A, ALTWAIJRI Y, KESSLER, R.  Lifetime prevalence and age-of-onset distributions of mental disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey.  International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.  https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1836. 2020.

  38. ALSUBAIE A, ALTWAIJRI Y, KESSLER, R.  Lifetime treatment of DSM-IV mental disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey.  International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1837. 2020.

  39. KESSLER R, ALDESOUKI M, KING A, SAMPSON N, ALSUBAIE A, BILAL L, ARADATI AM ALTWAIJRI Y.  Clinical reappraisal of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, Version 3.0 in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey (SNMHS).  International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1828. 2020.

  40. ALTWAIJRI Y, ALSUBAIE A, KESSLER, R.  Twelve-month prevalence and severity of mental disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey.  International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.  https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1831. 2020.

  41. ALSUBAIE A, ALTWAIJRI Y, KESSLER, R.  Twelve-month treatment of mental disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey.  International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.  https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1832. 2020.

  42. MNEIMNEH, Z., HEERINGA, S. G., LIN, Y., ALTWAIJRI, Y., & NISHIMURA, R. The Saudi National Mental Health Survey: Sample design and weight development. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1829. 2020.

  43. KESSLER, R. C., AL-DESOUKI, M., KING, A. J., SAMPSON, N. A., AL-SUBAIE, A. S., AL-HABEEB, A., BILAL, L., SHAHAB, M. K., ARADATI, M., & ALTWAIJRI, Y. A.. Clinical reappraisal of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Version 3.0 in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.  

    https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1828. 2020

  44. ALTWAIJRI, Y., AL-HABEEB, A., AL-SUBAIE, A., BILAL, L., AL-DESOUKI, M., SHAHAB, M., HYDER, S., SAMPSON, N., KING, A. J., & KESSLER, R. C. Twelve-month prevalence and severity of mental disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey.  International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1831. 2020.

  45. AL‐HABEEB, A., ALTWAIJRI, Y. A., AL‐SUBAIE, A. S., BILAL, L., ALMEHARISH, A., SAMPSON, N. A., ... & KESSLER, R. C. Twelve‐month treatment of mental disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research.  https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1832. 2020.

  46. AL‐SUBAIE, A. S., ALTWAIJRI, Y. A., AL‐HABEEB, A., BILAL, L., ALMEHARISH, A., SAMPSON, N. A., ... & KESSLER, R. C. Lifetime treatment of DSM‐IV mental disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/mpr.1837. 2020.

  47. HYDER, S., BILAL, L., MNEIMNEH, Z.,.& ALTWAIJRI, Y.  Content analysis and predicting survey refusal: Why do respondents refuse to participate in a household mental health survey? Field Methods, (forthcoming).

  48. ALANGARI, A. S., KNOX, S. S., KRISTJANSSON, A. L., WEN, S., INNES, K. E., BILAL, L., ... & ALTWAIJRI, Y. A. (2020). Barriers to mental health treatment in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(11), 3877.10.3390/ijerph17113877. 2020.

  49. ABDULAZIZ S. ALANGARI, SARAH S. KNOX, KIM E. INNES, ALFGEIR L. KRISTJANSSON, SIJIN WEN, LISA BILAL, ABDULHAMEED ALHABEEB, ABDULLAH S. AL-SUBAIE & YASMIN A. ALTWAIJRI. Mental health service use among people without mental health disorders in the Saudi National Mental Health Survey, International Journal of Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/00207411.2020.1842689. 2020.

                           مركز إدراك الطبي، هاتف 920007731 

                        الرياض، المملكة  العربية السعودية